About Us
Joy seekers, love hunters, outdoor aficionados, wine lovers, professional concert go’ers and livin’ connoisseurs.
If you haven’t figured it out yet – the idea for the name of our website came to us when we realized that if we combined our names together it spelled Livin (LIndsey and keVIN). This is exceptionally fitting because our time spent together as a couple has included non-stop adventuring and wanderlust (hence the inspiration for the first half of our website). If you look up the definition of living in the dictionary it will tell you: “the pursuit of a lifestyle of the specified type” our “lifestyle of a specified type” is currently quitting our jobs to travel the world.
This has been something we have been discussing for the past five years and while there were times when it felt like it may never happen, at the beginning of 2017 we came up with a plan and put it in ACTION. In July 2017 we left our jobs and house in San Diego, converted our truck into a camper and set off to discover America (and also watch eight of our friends get married). While our original “vision” didn’t include so much travel in the grande ole’ US of A we had a blast exploring our own backyard.
In November of 2017 we left the comfort of the United States and headed south of the border to Mexico. Since then, we've spend 5 and a half months in Mexico, one month in Belize, one month in Guatemala, and one month in Honduras. We decided to turn around in Honduras and leave our trusty truck behind in the states and try our hand at backpacking! Currently we find ourselves in South America exploring Colombia! Stay tuned for new posts and don't forget to sign up for our mailing list so you can receive updates straight to your inbox!
All our Love,
LIndsey & KeVIN